US Navy HF & MF Receivers - 1950's & 1960's

Be patient and check back often - this project is just getting started!

Mystery Receiver
Schematic from a Navy training course showing "Typical SSB Receiver" which includes a motor-drive AFC for the HF oscillator.
Was there ever a Navy receiver like this???
Note: it is evidently not an RCA SSB-R3 which used motor drive AFC for the IF oscillator

1950's & 1960's individual HF & MF receivers

HF/MF Receivers


 - RCA
 - info/photos
- repairing RF transformers

frr22-1811-02.jpg (278470 bytes)

MF shore version of SRR-12
w/ rack mount + EXT OSC input

0.25-8 mc - 29 tubes

frr22-01.JPG (171037 bytes)
FRR-22 with AGC off-norm

frr22-1811-01.jpg (305191 bytes)

NAVSHIPS 92211 - manual

frr22-1509-01.JPG (332115 bytes)

frr22-1309-01.jpg (359500 bytes) frr22-1309-02.jpg (304665 bytes) frr22-1309-03.jpg (334265 bytes) frr22-1309-04.jpg (276461 bytes)

frr22-23-01.JPG (41108 bytes)

HF shore version of SRR-13
w/ rack mount + EXT OSC input



2-32 mc

29 tubes

repairing RF transformers






HF DSB/SSB Receiver 2-32 mc
Prototype Only

General Electric model XSDR-1

Synthesized, synchronous detection, direct conversion

See this paper for much more info

And this article by Bill Jones for a history of the developmentLeft to Right- Bill Jones, Dr. John Costas, Roger Swanson, Jack Cunnif
Bill Jones, Dr. John Costas, Roger Swanson, Jack Cunnif

frr48-spec-01.JPG (183589 bytes) frr48-spec-02.JPG (161054 bytes)
Bottom of RF chassis by Bill Jones
Bottom of RF chassis by Bill Jones
Top of RF chassis by Bill Jones
Top of RF chassis by Bill Jones
Top of Synthesizer by Roger Swanson
Top of Synthesizer by Roger Swanson
Bottom of Audio, Alpha-Beta and Audio by Jack Cunnif
Bottom of Audio, Alpha-Beta and Audio by Jack Cunnif


frr59-1410-wq9e.JPG (2410545 bytes)
photo thanks to WQ9E

HF - shore version of  WRR-2()

More FRR-59 photos

frr59-block-01.JPG (358384 bytes)

2-32 mc
1.0 kc tuning (59)
0.5 kc tuning (59A,B)
Wadley loop - 65 tubes

frr59-block-02.JPG (303755 bytes)

National (FRR-59, FRR-59A)
Arvin (FRR-59B)




downloadable manual

frr59--211-1304.jpg (622244 bytes)

frr59--211-1305.jpg (1199051 bytes)

frr59--211-1303.jpg (796466 bytes) AN/FRR-59 (17910 bytes)

More FRR-59 photos

CV-920/URR converter - RF tuner
frr59--211-1302.jpg (715708 bytes)
AM-2477/URR amplifier - detector
frr59--211-1301.jpg (546772 bytes)
frr59--211-1300.jpg (880245 bytes) --


grr17-1910-01.jpg (13617 bytes)

grr17-1911-01.jpg (428941 bytes)

Radio Receiver R-1490/GRR-17 is a high dynamic range, dual-conversion superheterodyne receiver for the frequency range from 2.0 to 30.0 me, employing a digital synthesizer for virtually instantaneous frequency selection. Tuning, in increments of 100 cycles, is performed by setting five tuning dials to the signal     frequency in megacycles. Vernier tuning of each 100 cycles step is also provided.
The operating modes are for reception of upper or lower single sideband (A3j), amplitude modulated (A3), continuous wave (Al ), and frequency shift teletype (Fl ) broadcasts. A panel mounted speaker permits signal monitoring. Output terminations are provided for the connection of external teletype equipment, and a headset or other terminal equipment. The receiver frequency stability is one part in 10^7  per day allowing extended operating periods without operator attention.

mrr2-01A.JPG (242017 bytes)

MF mobile or transportable use
AN/SRR-12 with waterproof case 
115vac or 24vdc
0.25-8 mc RCA  

need photo - looks like MRR-2

HF mobile or transportable use
AN/SRR-13 with waterproof case
2-32 mc RCA

srr12-01.jpg (47093 bytes)

MF shipboard version of FRR-22

SRR-11, -12, 13 aboard CC-1 USS Northampton
cc1-srr-1963.jpg (587279 bytes)

0.25-8 mc

29 tubes

repairing RF transformers




Navships 91875


srr12-13-01.JPG (109229 bytes)

srr13-120401.JPG (17800 bytes)

HF shipboard version of FRR-23
2-32 mc, 29 tubes

srr13a-03.JPG (180109 bytes)
SRR-13A with AGC off-norm switch

srr13a-12.JPG (154332 bytes)
SRR-13A with standby switch

srr13a-04.JPG (176034 bytes)
SRR-13A showing AGC off-norm instead of standby switch

RCA, Magnavox


Navships 91875 - manual pdf

article in Electric Radio magazine 
- July 1991 p 4

srr13-120403.JPG (48048 bytes)

srr13a-1210-01.jpg (149429 bytes)
srr13a-1210-02.jpg (195251 bytes) srr13a-1210-03.jpg (114079 bytes) srr13a-1210-04.jpg (115429 bytes)
srr13a-1210-05.jpg (199908 bytes) srr13a-1210-06.jpg (183156 bytes) srr13-120402.JPG (65133 bytes) --



r366-trr5-01.jpg (10209 bytes)

trr5-03.jpg (92165 bytes)

Morale MF/HF receiver  - Transportable for use ashore

trr5-01.jpg (165980 bytes)

trr5-02.jpg (145781 bytes)

r366-trr5-02.jpg (20303 bytes)

ls171-u-trr5-04.jpg (17100 bytes)

ls171-u-trr5-01.jpg (31762 bytes)

trr5-51.JPG (19620 bytes)

Manual downloadable from here

Schematic & Wiring Diagram    

trr5-50.JPG (77921 bytes)

trr5-1101.jpg (1760393 bytes) trr5-1102.jpg (1698733 bytes) trr5-1103.jpg (1744672 bytes) trr5-1100.jpg (1670818 bytes)


Spec Sheet

        (Hallicrafters SX-42)
LS-140/U Loudspeaker
MT-598/U Mounting
urr10-spec-02.jpg (357906 bytes) Need photos


urr22-1300.jpg (77493 bytes)
need better photo

ship/shore entertainment rcvr
replaces RBO - made by National

NAVSHIPS 92161 - download

urr22-1301.jpg (9493 bytes)

0.54-18.6 mc AM/CW

similar to AN/URR-44

Value Engineering - 

urr22-urr44-6102.jpg (206497 bytes)


urr23-101.JPG (115977 bytes)

R-381/URR-23 (Collins 51J-1) or
R-381A/URR-23 (Collins 51J-2)
CY-1235/URR cabinet
LS-175/U speaker
0.5 - 30.5 mc Collins 51J-1 or Collins 51J-2

Contract NObsr-49134
(15 May 1950)


CY-1235/URR cabinet
LS-199/U speaker 
urr23a-02.JPG (228086 bytes)

urr23a-1904-01.jpg (58386 bytes)

Collins 51J-3 with MFP and modified antenna input ckt ?

0.5 - 30.5 mc

Were all Navy R-388 receivers procured as AN/URR-23A systems?  

Click here for R-388 contract info page

R-388 tag showing AN/URR-23A Navy contract number 
urr23a-1904-04.jpg (22872 bytes)

Contract NObsr-52527
(22 June 1951)

NAVSHIPS 91678 manual  

urr23a-1904-03.jpg (52756 bytes)

urr23a-1904-02.jpg (33700 bytes)

urr36-01.jpg (197308 bytes)

National HRO-50-1
 with 4 coils (A-D), & speaker
50-430 kc & .05-35 mc   NAVSHIPS 91648


urr36-2008-10.JPG (524212 bytes)

National HRO-60

urr36-2008-11.JPG (46596 bytes)

50-430 kc & .05-35 mc

urr36-2008-12.JPG (620291 bytes)

with 10 coils, xtal calib, speaker & coil storage unit, and rack

Navy Contract NObsr-71193  

USCG Contract TCG-39506

urr36-2008-13.JPG (626866 bytes) urr36-2008-14.JPG (636317 bytes) urr36-2008-15.JPG (772023 bytes) urr36-2008-16.JPG (524688 bytes)

urr39-02.jpg (25278 bytes)

AN/URR-39 receiver National NC-183MR
 with speaker (LS-228/U)
 & rack mount (MT-1529/U)

50-150kc & 0.54-31mc

standard 47-55mc band replaced with VLF band and bandspread replaced with 0-200 logging scale

National - modified NC-183D

standard NC-183D info

r651-urr39-1306-01.jpg (144549 bytes) r651-urr39-1306-02.jpg (215433 bytes) r651-urr39-1306-03.jpg (193123 bytes) r651-urr39-1306-04.jpg (160171 bytes)
r651-urr39-1306-05.jpg (159728 bytes) r651-urr39-1306-06.jpg (184396 bytes) r651-urr39-1306-07.jpg (131642 bytes) --
urr39-1404-01.jpg (124432 bytes) urr39-1404-02.jpg (126365 bytes) urr39-1404-03.jpg (87579 bytes) urr39-1404-04.jpg (78845 bytes)
urr39-1404-05.jpg (153984 bytes) urr39-1404-06.jpg (144788 bytes) urr39-1404-07.jpg (223882 bytes) urr39-1404-08.jpg (151171 bytes)
urr39-1404-09.jpg (147604 bytes) urr39-1404-10.jpg (77746 bytes) urr39-1404-11.jpg (142268 bytes) urr39-1404-12.jpg (125437 bytes)


AN/URR-41 (XN-1) is designed to intercept signals comprised of five modulations and separate them and prepare them for either aural or visual monitoring. The gain control is designed to provide equal amplitude output signals from the five channels with unequal input signal levels.

2-32 mc, 4 bands, 5 preset channels
receives A2, A3, A9

Manuf by Hoffman

please send email if you have any more info

urr41-spec-01.jpg (5080989 bytes) urr41-spec-02.jpg (3652341 bytes) SB-1064/FRR switch for testing URR-41
urr41-sb1064-spec.jpg (132439 bytes)

r892-02.jpg (24135 bytes)

ship/shore entertainment rcvr
replaces RBO

urr44-120401.JPG (255524 bytes)

0.54-18.6 mc AM/CW

urr44-120402.JPG (209034 bytes)

General Instruments

NAVSHIPS 93316 - download

 info & photo

similar to URR-22

urr44-1405-01.jpg (27011 bytes) urr44-1405-02.jpg (20866 bytes) urr44-1405-03.jpg (35479 bytes) urr44-1405-04.jpg (20823 bytes)
urr44-1405-05.jpg (20163 bytes) urr44-1405-06.jpg (25553 bytes) urr44-1405-07.jpg (27908 bytes) urr44-1405-08.jpg (30425 bytes)
urr44-1405-09.jpg (31233 bytes) urr44-1405-10.jpg (31870 bytes) urr44-1405-11.jpg (41098 bytes) URR-44 installed aboard USS Becuna SS-319
urr44-ss319-01.jpg (620502 bytes)

AN/URR-51 ?

need photo

R-388A - NAVSHIPS 92324


urr74-1309-01.jpg (38615 bytes)

urr74-1309-03.jpg (33260 bytes)

Download AN/URR-74(V)2  manual
   (thanks to Perry W8AU) 

wj8716-0211-05.jpg (184445 bytes)

Watkins Johnson WJ-8718 variant

see photos & info here


AM (16 or 6 khz), SSB (3.2 khz), RTTY (1 khz) or CW (.3 khz).  There is a mechanical BFO built in that can be adjusted in 10 hz increments using decadic thumbwheels The digital readout is clear and bright and goes to a resolution of 10 hz for precise tuning.


0.3, 1, 3.2, 6, 16 kc bandwidths


see photos & info here

urr74-1309-02.jpg (18206 bytes)

receivers aboard USS Iowa BB-61
DSC02080.JPG (4295911 bytes)
receivers aboard USS Iowa BB-61
DSC02129.JPG (4117185 bytes)
Coverage of 5 khz to 30000 khz
Selectivity of 16 / 6 / 3.2 / 1 / .3 khz
BFO of + or - 8 khz and shown in its own display to the left of the frequency readout
4 Tuning steps
AGC fast / slow / off
Modes of AM / FM / CW / LSB / USB / ISB
115/220 VAC
Digital readout down to 10 hz
Sensitivity of .4uV 16 dB (S+N)/N CW
IF output
RF gain
Headphone and line out jacks
Rack handles


wrr2-01.jpg (109305 bytes)
upper - AM-2477/URR amplifier - detector
lower - CV-920/URR converter - RF tuner

HF shipboard version of FRR-59() - different mounting

Aboard USS Ticonderoga
wrr2-tico-6509.jpg (418575 bytes)

2-32 mc

1.0 kc tuning (2)
0.5 kc tuning (2A,B)
Wadley loop
65 tubes

See FRR-59 block diagrams

More FRR-59 photos

National (2, 2A)
Arvin (2B)




downloadable manual



SP-600-JX-6 - NObsr-52039
- NObsr-52039
SP-600-JX-35 - NObsr-71369
SP-600-JL-24 Special - ?
r274b-u-101.jpg (95335 bytes)

r274b-frr-61.jpg (65361 bytes)


r274b-frr-62.jpg (45874 bytes)

r274b-110619-01.jpg (131262 bytes) r274b-110619-02.jpg (168977 bytes) r274b-110619-03.jpg (195194 bytes) r274b-110619-04.jpg (101892 bytes)

R-274B/FRR "special"

(Hammarlund SP-600-JL-24)
need photo

100-400kc and 1.35-29.7mc Hammarlund


SP-600 series info

SP-600 manuals

(part of AN/FRC-10A or -10B)
r369-frc10-01.JPG (568366 bytes) Western Electric 
4-28 mc dual channel SSB
- for VF AFSK links

frc10b-01.JPG (104041 bytes)

r369-frc10-02.JPG (387576 bytes)

Manual TM 11-780
download pdf version


r388-urr.jpg (163364 bytes)
photo thanks to Don Smith

Collins 51J-3


Click here for R-388 contract info page

Hollow State News w/ R-388 articles

r388-rm1c-01.JPG (180449 bytes)

TM11-854 / TO16-35R-388-5

Some Navy R-388 receivers were procured as AN/URR-23A systems. 

Others were procured under MIPR-881-47159
Does this mean Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request? Please send e-mail if you can help clarify this - thanks!


need photo

51J4-manual-02.jpg (33020 bytes)
NAVSEA manual
Collins 51J-4

Were any 51J-4's actually labeled as R-388A? What is an R-388B?

Click here for R-388 and R-388A contract info page  


Contract NObsr-69046
(16 Nov. 1956)

NAVSHIPS 0967-994-9010
NAVSEA 0967-LP-994-9010
(these are reprints of the Collins 51J-4 manual)

r390-urr-02.jpg (58776 bytes)

r390-urr-06.jpg (26350 bytes)

Did the USN use the R-390 or just the R-390A? So far I have not seen a photo of an R-390 in USN service.

r390-urr-08.jpg (110546 bytes)

r390-urr-07.jpg (63392 bytes)   Collins

Hollow State News w/ R-390 articles

R-390/URR info

r390a-101.jpg (24535 bytes)

r390a-104.jpg (22682 bytes)

r390a-103.jpg (35985 bytes) R-390A was a Signal Corps (Army) acquisition but used extensively by the US Navy.

r390a-102.jpg (42813 bytes)


Collins, other manufacturers


r390a-navy-61.jpg (37104 bytes)
Many Navy R-390A units were modified with a green diode load jack on the front panel (FC 4)
r390a-navy-63.jpg (78469 bytes) r390a-navy-65.jpg (51557 bytes) Navy Field Change 3 - rear panel cover with AN connectors for power, line audio, and local audio
r390a-conn-1801-1.JPG (442463 bytes)

r390a-conn-1801-2.JPG (515013 bytes)

r390a-navy-62.jpg (58299 bytes) r390a-navy-64.jpg (89897 bytes) Shipboard - R-390A with CV-591A
hornet-02.jpg (951298 bytes)
COMMSTA - R-390A with URA-8
r390-cv89-01.jpg (78725 bytes)


Auto-tune version of R-390/URR
r391-1101.jpg (43271 bytes)


Used by NAVSECGRU only?
(AN/FRA-44 and AN/FLR-7)

r391-1105.jpg (233241 bytes)

r391-1103.jpg (246227 bytes) r391-1104.jpg (273106 bytes)
r391-1106.jpg (296315 bytes) r391-1102.jpg (202221 bytes) -- --

r450-frr28-07.JPG (128743 bytes)

Hammarlund SP-600 modified by  Northern Radio for AN/FRR-28 diversity system More R-450/FRR-28 photos Hammarlund

SP-600 series info

SP-600 manuals

article in Electric Radio magazine
- Sept 2004, p2

frr32-03.jpg (17511 bytes)
Need better photo

AN/FRR-23 modified for use in AN/FRR-32 dual diversity system  - RCA

r825-01.JPG (914886 bytes)

r825-02.JPG (375046 bytes) TMC GPR-90
540 kc - 31 mc

r825-03.JPG (381298 bytes)

spec sheet


r825-04.JPG (302908 bytes)


r840-man-01.jpg (1487071 bytes)

r840-man-02.jpg (1356647 bytes) TMC GPR-90RX
(same as R-825 plus xtal control)
Contract NObsr-71790

More photos

spec sheets

manual - NAVSHIPS 93165


r1051-01.jpg (50664 bytes)

R-1051 Web Page covering variants and other info

solid state (plus 2 tubes in RF)
late 60's replacement for most receivers

r1051-02.jpg (114650 bytes)

R-1051 Web Page covering variants and other info

r1051-03.jpg (138538 bytes)


r1414.jpg (78213 bytes)
photo thanks to K1VVC

r1414-1316.jpg (236947 bytes)
photo thanks to Chuck 


Please send e-mail if you have any more photos or info

 HF - solid state - 

r1414-1313.jpg (5134661 bytes)

 r1414-1314.jpg (5225337 bytes)

r1414-1315.jpg (5347861 bytes)

r1414-1318.jpg (5619123 bytes) r1414-1320.jpg (5125003 bytes) probably only used for intercept rather than HF comms - used by ASA - was it also used by NAVSECGRU?

Some info in this thread

manuf by Sylvania

Manual available from 

From 1975 Communications Technician O 3&2 manual - The R-1414/URR radio-receiver is a solid-state, general purpose HF receiver intended primarily for operation in fixed stations or in transportable vans when at a fixed station. It is capable of detecting AM, CW, SSB ,ISB, FM, and FSK signals within the 1.5 to 32 MHZ frequency range. Although the future status of the R-1414/URR receiver is in doubt at present, a description is included in this text for your information. Initial distribution of a limited number of these receivers has been made for field evaluation. It is anticipated that the R-1414/URR will ultimately replace the R-390A/URR at all NAVSECGRU sites.
In comparison with the R-390A/URR, the modernization can be readily seen. The R-1414/URR is solid-state, mechanically tuned, covers 1.5. to 32 MHz frequency range, uses double conversion, and has a digital electronic frequency counter display. Being solid-state, the R-14141/URR is smaller in size than the R-390A/URR, and operates cooler. It also has independent sideband monitoring capabilities that are not available in the R-390A/URR. 
Another feature of the R-1414/URR is its frequency stability achieved by an internal digital AFC network. Both frequency stability and readout accuracy are within ±50 Hz throughout the frequency range of the receiver.

- HF Receiver portion of AN/WLR-6 ECM equipment

r1451a-2501-01.jpg (5446388 bytes) 0.5-32.0 MHz

Info and Photos  

Interconnect Diagram

Please send e-mail if you have any more photos or info or have a manual I can scan

 - See AN/GRR-17 above - 

-- -- --

r2174-urr-111.jpg (12277 bytes)

LF/MF/HF solid state

r2174-urr-112.jpg (11395 bytes)


r2174-urr-113.jpg (11268 bytes)


Info and Manuals 

(Cubic R-3030A)
r2307-u-01.jpg (151797 bytes)

r2307-u-02.jpg (225043 bytes)

r2307-u-04.jpg (162674 bytes)

r2307-u-05.jpg (369081 bytes)

  • Twin receivers
  • 50 kc to 30 mc range
  • IF outputs of 40.455 mc and 455 kc
  • Highly stable with + or - 1 PPM
  • BFO of + or - 10 kc
  • 100 memory channels per receiver
  • Bandwidths of .5 / 2 / 4 / 8 / 16 kc
  • Operating modes of AM / USB / LSB / CW / FM
  • Tuning resolution to 10 cps
  • IF passband shift from .1 to +/ - 9.99 kc
Cubic R-3030A

r2307-u-03.jpg (19989 bytes)

(RACAL RA6793A-6)

photos photos --

r2368-01.jpg (22522 bytes)

r2368a-211.jpg (227349 bytes)

Variant of Harris RF-590A
LF/MF/HF solid state

r2368a-212.jpg (13284 bytes)

r2368-03.jpg (23056 bytes)

r2368-ad-2501.jpg (1555699 bytes)

R-2411/U (Cubic R-3035)

50Hz - 30 MHz similar to R-2307/U manual

Cubic R-3036 MF/HF Dual Receiver
r3036-1903-02.JPG (721371 bytes)

r3036-1903-04.JPG (622987 bytes)

r3036-1903-01.JPG (2196994 bytes) r3036-1903-03.JPG (1643702 bytes)

r2557-61.jpg (57801 bytes)

Variant of Harris RF-590A used in AN/URC-131 HFRG

r2557-63.jpg (8911 bytes)

r2557-64.jpg (43555 bytes) Harris 

Collins 75A-4
Collins 75A-4 (Mod)
75a4-01.JPG (92983 bytes)

75A-4(Mod) changes -

IMG_3985.jpg (1939199 bytes)

   Bands (mc) 
        1.5 to 2.5 
        3.2 to 4.2 
        6.8 to 7.8 
        14 to 15 
        20.8 to 21.8 
        26.5 to 27.5 
        28 to 29 
        29 to 30 

  75A-4 (Mod)
  Bands (mc) 
        1.5 to 2.5 
        3.2 to 4.2 
        4.2 to 5.2 
        5.2 to 6.2 
        6.8 to 7.8 
        13 to 14 
        14 to 15 
        29 to 30 
Collins 75A-4 with 0.8, 3.1, 6.0 kc filters
- used by USN in early SSB tests
- other uses??

75A-4 NObsr-71287, 27 April 1956
75A-4 (Mod) NObsr-71289, 27 April 1956

Manual NAVSHIPS 92788
IMG_0127.JPG (2237628 bytes) photo showing bandswitch changes
retaining clips added to this unit for airborne use.
IMG_0129.JPG (3861111 bytes)
IMG_0130.JPG (2838077 bytes) IMG_0131.JPG (2479306 bytes)

Hammarlund HQ-145 (modified)

Hammarlund HQ-180A (modified)

HQ-180A manual - see addendum == ==


Be patient and check back often - this project is just getting started!
Last updated 02/12/2025